Up to the 22nd of September it will be possible to visit, between an exclusive shopping tour and a delicious ice cream, the exhibition in Palazzo Braschi in piazza Navona. It is called “Roma nella camera oscura”. To celebrate the invention of photography 180 years ago, the archives of the Museum are proposing the best of the Eternal City through 320 pictures.
There are nine sections divided on themes, techniques, moments etc… At the beginning photographers were moving from the city to the countryside with heavy material, often they had some painters around, as the two arts were starting to be linked. The relationhip with the antiques is very strong in this exhibition and the first pictures are amazingly beautiful. A lot of archeologists were using those pictures for their diggings and researches. Another section is dedicated to Saint Peter’s with the cupola made by Michelangelo, but also you will see some photos of the pilgrims and the Popes. In another part you will notice the importance of the water especially the river Tiber and the Baroque fountains made by Gianlorenzo Bernini.
A lot of emphasis is also on the transfomation of Rome. Most of the modern city started at the end of the Nineteen Century. Then the fascism period with the new area of EUR. On the picture below the Ara Pacis before its transformation by the american architect Richard Meyer. Don’t forget to visit the downstairs section of Palazzo Braschi with the Portraits gallery. You will notice Tableaux Vivants but also members of the old families of Rome such as the Cavalletti. When you get out of the Museum you will have the impression to know better the Eternal City and, unfortunatly, you will be also sad because Rome is not such in good shape as we would wish.